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Grantee Publications

This is a list of publications that DoT grants funded.

*Indicates that the publication focuses on one or more minority group(s).

  • *Alvaro EM, Jones SP, Robles AS, Siegel JT. (2006). Hispanic organ donation: Impact of a Spanish-language organ donation campaign. Journal of the National Medical Association, 98(1):1-8.
  • *Alvaro EM, Jones SP, Robles AS, Siegel JT. (2005). Predictors of organ donation behavior among Hispanic Americans. Progress in Transplantation, 15(2):149-156.
  • *Alvaro, EA, Siegel, JT. (2010). Where have we been and where to next: A review and synthesis of organ donation media campaigns. In Alvaro E & Siegel J (Eds.), Understanding organ donation: Applied behavioral science perspectives, 43-63. Blackwell-Wiley: Malden, MA.
  • *Alvaro, EA, Siegel, JT, Crano, WD, Dominick, A. (2010). A mass mediated intervention on Hispanic organ donation. Journal of Health Communication, 15: 374-387.
  • *Alvaro, EA, Siegel, JT, Pace-Jones, S. (2011). Increasing organ donor registration rates by providing an immediate and complete registration opportunity: An experimental assessment of the IIFF Model. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 16:686-694.
  • *Andrews AM, Zhang N, Magee JC, Chapman R, Langford AT, Resnicow K. (2012). Increasing donor designation through Black churches: Results of a randomized trial. Progress in Transplantation, 22(2):161-167.
  • *Andrews AM, Zhang N, Buechley C, Chapman R, Guillen JL, Magee JC, Resnicow K. (2016). Organ donation attitudes and practices among African Americans: an adapted measurement instrument. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 27(3):1397-1410.
  • Anker AE, Feeley TH, Friedman E, Kruegler J. (2009). Teaching organ and tissue donation in medical and nursing education: A needs assessment. Progress in Transplantation, 19(4):343-348.
  • *Atkins L, Davis K, Holtzman SM, Durand R, et al. (2003). Family discussion about organ donation among African Americans. Journal of Transplant Coordination, 13(1):28-32.
  • Baughn D, Rodrigue JR, Cornell DL. (2006). Intention to register as organ donors: A survey of adolescents obtaining their driver's permit/license or enrolled in driver's education. Progress in Transplantation, 16:260-267.
  • *Boulware LE, Hill-Briggs F, Kraus ES, Melancon JK, McGuire R, Bonhage B, Senga M, Ephraim P, Evans KE, Falcone B, Troll MU, Depasquale N, Powe NR. (2011). Protocol of a randomized controlled trial of culturally sensitive interventions to improve African Americans' and non-African Americans' early, shared, and informed consideration of live kidney transplantation: The Talking About Live Kidney Donation (TALK) study. BMC Nephrology, 8:12-34.
  • *Boulware LE, Hill-Briggs F, Kraus ES, Melancon JK, Senga M, Evans KE, Troll MU, Ephraim PE, Jaar BG, Myers DI, McGuire R, Falcone B, Bonhage B, Powe NR. (2011). Identifying and addressing barriers to African American and non-African American families’ discussions about pre-emptive living related kidney transplantation. Progress in Transplantation, 21(2):97-104.
  • *Boulware LE, Hill-Briggs F, Kraus ES, Melancon JK, Falcone B, Ephraim PL, Jaar BG, Gimenez L, Choi M, Senga M, Kolotos M, Lewis-Boyer L, Cook C, Light L, DePasquale N, Noletto T, Powe NR. (2013). Effectiveness of educational and social worker interventions to activate patients' discussion and pursuit of pre-emptive live kidney transplantation: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 61(3):476-486.
  • Burroughs TE, Hong BA, Kappel DF, Freedman BK. (1998). The stability of family decisions to consent or refuse organ donation: Would you do it again? Psychosomatics, 60:156-162.
  • Burroughs TE, Waterman AD, Hong BA. (2003). One organ donation, three perspectives: Experiences of donors, recipients, and third parties with living kidney donation. Progress in Transplantation, 13:142-150.
  • D’Alessandro AM, Peltier JW, Dahl AE. (2012). Use of social media and college student organizations to increase support for organ donation and advocacy: A case report. Progress in Transplantation, 22(4):436-441.
  • D’Alessandro A, Peltier JW, Dahl AE. (2012). A large-scale qualitative study of the potential use of social media by university students to increase awareness and support for organ donation. Progress in Transplantation, 22(2):183-91.
  • D’Alessandro A, Peltier JW, Dahl AE. (2012). The impact of social, cognitive and attitudinal dimensions on college students’ support for organ donation. American Journal of Transplantation, 12(1):152-61.
  • D'Alessandro A, Peltier JW, Phelps J. (2008). An empirical examination of the antecedents of the acceptance of donations after cardiac death by health care professionals. American Journal of Transplantation, 8(1):193-200.
  • D'Alessandro A, Peltier JW, Phelps J. (2008). Increasing organ donations after cardiac death by increasing DCD support among health care professionals: A case report. American Journal of Transplantation, 8(4):897–904.
  • D'Alessandro A, Peltier JW, Phelps J. (2008). Understanding the antecedents of the acceptance of donation after cardiac death by health care professionals. Critical Care Medicine, 36(4):1075-1081.
  • D’Alessandro A, Peltier J, Dahl A. (2012). A large-scale qualitative study of the potential use of social media by university students to increase awareness and support for organ donation. Progress in Transplantation, 22(2):183-191.
  • D’Alessandro A, Peltier J, Dahl A. (2012). Use of social media and college student organizations to increase support for organ donation and advocacy: a case report. Progress in Transplantation, 22(4):436-441.
  • D’Alessandro A, Peltier J, Dahl A. (2012). The impact of social, cognitive and attitudinal dimensions on college students’ support for organ donation. American Journal of Transplantation, 12:152-161.
  • *Davis K, Holtzman S, Durand R, Decker PJ, et al. (2005). Leading the flock: Organ donation feelings, beliefs, and intentions among African American clergy and community residents. Journal of Transplant Coordination, 15(3):211-216.
  • Degenholtz HB, Resnick A, Tang Y, Razdan M, Enos M. (2015). Effect of web-based training for Department of Motor Vehicle staff on donor designation rates: Results of a statewide randomized trial. American Journal of Transplantation, 15: 1376-1383
  • DePasquale N, Hill-Briggs F, Darrell L, Lewis Boyér L, Ephraim PL, Boulware LE. (2012). Feasibility and acceptability of the TALK social worker intervention to improve live kidney transplantation. Health and Social Work, 37(4):234-249.
  • DeLair S., Feeley TH, Kim H., del Rio Martin J., Kim-Schluger L., Rudow DL, Orloff M, Sheiner PA, Teperman L. (2010). A peer-based intervention to educate liver transplant candidates about living donor liver transplantation. Liver Transplantation, 16:42-48.
  • Dodd-McCue D, Tartaglia A, Myer K, Kuthy S, et al. (2004). Unintended consequences: The impact of protocol change on critical care nurses' perceptions of stress. Progress in Transplantation, 14(1):61-67.
  • Dodd-McCue D, Tartaglia A. (2005). The impact of the FCC protocol on the role stress of hospitals chaplains. Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 59(4):345–360.
  • Dodd-McCue D, Tartaglia A, Veazey K, Streetman P. (2005). The impact of protocol on nurses' role stress: A longitudinal perspective. Journal of Nursing Administration, 35(4):205-216.
  • Dodd-McCue D, Tartaglia A. (2005). The role of relatedness' in donation discussions with next of kin: An empirical study of the common wisdom. Progress in Transplantation, 15(3):249-256.
  • Downing K, Jones L. (2008). Designing an educational strategy for increasing older adults' organ donor registration. Progress in Transplantation, 18(4):290-296.
  • Downing K, Jones L. (2010). First person consent Ohio Donor Registry: The influence of the first person consent registry on increasing organ donation. In Alvaro, E & Siegel, J (Eds.), Understanding organ donation: Applied behavioral science perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell: Malden, MA.
  • Downing K, Jones LL (2008). Designing an educational strategy for increasing older adults' organ donor registration. Progress in Transplantation, 18(4):290-296.
  • Downing K, Jones, LL (2010). First-Person Consent Ohio Donor Registry. In Siegel J & Alvaro E (Eds.), Understanding Organ Donation: Applied Behavioral Science Perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell: Malden, MA. 
  • *Fahrenwald NL. (2010). Intervention research with American Indian, Alaska Native and First Nations people: An organ and tissue donation exemplar. In Siegel, J & Alvaro, E (Eds.), Understanding organ donation: Applied behavioral science perspectives, 132-147. Wiley-Blackwell: Malden, MA.
  • Fahrenwald NL, Belitz C, Keckler A. (2010). Outcome evaluation of "Sharing the Gift of Life": An organ and tissue donation educational program for American Indians. American Journal of Transplantation, 10(6):1453-9.
  • * Fahrenwald NL, Belitz C, Keckler A. Sharma M. (2007). Sharing the gift of life: An intervention to increase organ and tissue donation for American Indians. Progress in Transplantation, 17(4):281-288.
  • *Fahrenwald NL, Stabnow W. (2005). Sociocultural perspective on organ and tissue donation among reservation-dwelling American Indian adults. Ethnicity and Health, 10(4):341-54.
  • Feeley TH. (2007). College students' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding organ donation: An integrated review. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(2):243-271.
  • *Feeley TH, Anker, AE, Watkins, B, Rivera, J, Tag, N, Volpe, L. (2009). A peer-to-peer campaign to promote organ donation among minority college students. Journal of the National Medical Association, 101:1154-1162.
  • Feeley TH, Marshal H, Reinhart AM. (2006). Reactions to narrative and statistical written messages promoting organ donation. Communication Reports, 19(2):89-100.
  • Feeley TH, Moon S. (2009). A meta-analytic review of communication campaigns to promote organ donation. Communication Reports, 22:63-73.
  • Feeley TH, Servoss TJ. (2005). Examining college students' intentions to become organ donors. Journal of Health Communication, 10:237-250.
  • Feeley TH, Tamburlin J, Vincent DE. (2008). An educational intervention for first-year medical students on organ and tissue donation. Progress in Transplantation, 18:103–108.
  • Feeley TH, Vincent D, III. (2007). How organ donation is represented in newspaper articles in the United States. Health Communication, 21(2):125-131.
  • Feeley TH, Marshall H, Reinhart AM. (2006). Reactions to narrative and statistical written messages promoting organ donation. Communication Reports, 19(2):89-100.
  • Feeley TH, Quick BL, Lee S. (2016). Using direct mail to promote organ donor registration; Two campaigns and a meta-analysis. Clinical Transplantation, 30:1564-1569.
  • Feeley T, Reynolds-Tilus T, Anker A, Evans M. (2014). Reasons for (not) signing the state registry: surveying Department of Motor Vehicles customers in New York state. Progress in Transplantation, 24:97-106.
  • Feeley TH, Anker AE, Williams CR, Vincent DE (2010). A multi-campus classroom intervention to promote organ and tissue donation. In Alvaro, E & Siegel, J (Eds.), Applied psychology and organ donation: Implementing and evaluating health behavior interventions. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, NJ.
  • Feeley TH, Anker AE, Vincent DE, Williams CR (2009). Promoting organ donation through college student campaigns. In Siegel, J & Alvaro, E (Eds.), Understanding Organ Donation: Applied Behavioral Science Perspectives, 200-220. Wiley-Blackwell: Malden, MA. 
  • Feeley TH, Anker AE, Watkins B, Rivera J, Tag N. Volpe L. (2009). A peer-to-peer campaign to promote organ donation among racially diverse college students in New York City. Journal of the National Medical Association, 101(11):1154-1162.
  • Fico AE, Feeley TH, Wang H, Hakim, S (in press). Communicating with families about organ donation: Using positive deviance to improve authorization rates. In Singhal, A (Ed.), Positive Deviance: A New Paradigm for Social Change. Sage Publications: Washington, DC.
  • *Gordon EJ, Chaput J, Black A. (2016). Google analytics of a pilot mass and social media campaign targeting Hispanics about living kidney donation. Journal of Internet Interventions, 6:40-49. 
  • *Gordon EJ, Feinglass J, Carney P, Ramirez D, Olivero M, O’Connor K, MacLean J, Brucker JB, Caicedo JC. (2015). An interactive, bilingual, culturally targeted website about living kidney donation and transplantation for Hispanics: Development and formative evaluation. JMIR Research Protocols, 4(20):e42.
  • *Gordon EJ, Feinglass J, Carney P, Vera K, Olivero M, Black A, O’Connor K, MacLean J, Caicedo JC. (2016). A website intervention to increase knowledge about living kidney donation and transplantation among Hispanic/Latino dialysis patients. Progress in Transplantation, 26(1):82-91.
  • *Gordon EJ, Feinglass J, Carney P, Vera K, Olivero M, Black A, O’Connor K, MacLean J, Nichols S, Sageshima J, Preczewski L, Caicedo JC. (2016). A culturally targeted website for Hispanics/Latinos about living kidney donation and transplantation: a randomized controlled trial of increased knowledge. Transplantation, 100(5):1149-60.
  • *Gordon EJ, Mullee J, Ramirez D, MacLean J, Olivero M, Feinglass J, O’Connor, K, Carney P, Caicedo JC. (2014). U.S. Hispanic/Latino concerns about living kidney donation: A focus group study. Progress in Transplantation, 24(2):152-162.
  • *Hall KL, Robbins ML, Paiva A, Knott JE, Harris L, Mattice B. (2007). Donation intentions among African American college students: Decisional balance and self—efficacy measures. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 30:483-495.
  • Harrison TR, Morgan SE, Chewning LV. (2008). The challenges of social marketing of organ donation: News and entertainment coverage of donation and transplantation. Health Marketing Quarterly, 25(1/2):33-65.
  • Harrison TR, Morgan SE, Chewning LV, Williams E, Barbour J, Di Corcia M, Davis L. (2011). Revisiting the worksite in worksite health campaigns: Evidence from a multi-site organ donation campaign. Journal of Communication, 61(3):535-555.
  • Harrison TR, Morgan SE, King AJ, Di Corcia MJ, Williams EA, Ivic RK, Hopeck P. (2010). Promoting the Michigan organ donor registry: Evaluating the impact of a multi-faceted intervention utilizing media priming and communication design. Health Communication, 25:700-708.
  • *Harrison, T. R., Morgan, S. E., King A. J., & Williams, E. A. (2011). Saving lives branch by branch: The effectiveness of driver licensing bureau campaigns to promote organ donor registry sign-ups to African Americans in Michigan. Journal of Health Communication,16(8):805-819.
  • Hays R, Waterman AD. (2008). Improving preemptive transplant education to increase living donation rates: reaching patients earlier in their disease adjustment process. Progress in Transplantation, 18(4):251-6.
  • Hitt R, Gidley R, Smith S, Liang Y. (2014). Traditional vs. social networking routes for organ donation registrations in a competition-based campaign. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 7(3):197-207.
  • *Hong BA, Kappel DF, Whitlock ME, Parks-Thomas TD, Freedman BK. (1994). Using race-specific community programs to increase organ donation among Blacks. American Journal of Public Health, 84:314-315.
  • Jacoby LH, Breitkopf CR, Pease EA. (2005). A qualitative examination of the needs of families faced with the option of organ donation. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 24(4):183-9.
  • Jacoby LH, et al. (2006). Providing support to families considering the option of organ donation: An innovative training method. Progress in Transplantation, 16(3):247–252.
  • Jacoby L, Jaccard J. (2010). Perceived support among families deciding about organ donation for their loved ones: Donor versus non-donor next of kin. American Journal of Critical Care, 19(5):52-61.
  • *Kappel DF, Whitlock ME, Parks-Thomas TD, Hong BA, Freedman BK. (1993). Increasing African-American organ donation: The St. Louis experience. Transplantation Proceedings, 25:2489-2490.
  • *Korda H, Wagstaff D, McCleary K. (2007). How African Americans express their intentions to be organ donors. Progress in Transplantation, 17(4):275-80.
  • Ladin K, Rodrigue JR, Hanto DW. (2009). Framing disparities along the continuum of care from chronic kidney disease to transplantation: Barriers and interventions. American Journal of Transplantation, 9:1-6.
  • *Long SD, Morgan SE, Harrison TR, Afifi WA, Stephenson MT, Reichert T, Morse C. (2012). When families talk: Applying Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to African American families discussing their awareness, commitment, and knowledge of organ donation. Journal of the National Medical Association, 104(11-12):555-563.
  • *Loughery C, Zhang N, Resnicow K, Chapman R, Magee JC, Andrews AM. (2017). Peer leaders increase organ donor designation among members of historically African American fraternities and sororities. Progress in Transplantation, 27(44):369-376.
  • Mark PJ, Baker K, Aguayo C, Sorensen JB. (2006). Experience with an organ procurement organization based nondirected living kidney donation program. Clinical Transplantation, 20(4):427-437.
  • Marshall H, Feeley TH. (2006). Attitudes toward organ donation: A test of injunctive norms. Communication Studies, 57:435-53.
  • Marshall HM, Reinhart A, Feeley TH, Tutzauer F, et al. (2008). Comparing college student's value- and impression-relevant involvement in health-related issues. Health Communications, 23(2):171-83.
  • Merion RM, Vinokur AD, Couper MP, Jones EG, et al. (2003). Internet-based intervention to promote organ donor registry participation and family notification. Transplantation, 75(8):1175-1178.
  • Morgan SE. (2005). Building and evaluating a theory-based organ donation campaign: an academic and community partnership. In Lederman Taylor, M & Gibson D (Eds.), The Communication Theory Reader. Kendall Hunt.
  • *Morgan SE. (2006). The many facets of reluctance: African-Americans and the decision (not) to donate organs. Journal of the National Medical Association, 98(5):695-703.
  • Morgan SE, Harrison TR, Chewning LV, Di Corcia MJ, Davis LA. (2010). The Workplace Partnership for Life: The effectiveness of high- and low-intensity worksite campaigns to promote organ donation. Communication Monographs, 77:341-356.
  • Morgan SE, Harrison TR, Chewning L, Davis L, Dicorcia M. (2007). Entertainment (mis)education: The framing of organ donation in entertainment television. Health Communication, 22:143-51.
  • Morgan SE, Harrison TR, Long SD, Afifi WA, Stephenson MT, Reichert T. (2005). Family discussions about organ donation: How the media influences opinions about donation decisions. Clinical Transplantation, 19(5):674-82.
  • *Morgan SE, Harrison TR, Long SD, Afifi WA, Stephenson. (2008). In their own words: The reasons why people will (not) donate organs. Health Communication, 23(1):23-33.
  • *Morgan SE, Harrison TR, Chewning LV, Habib JG. (2006). America's angel or thieving immigrant: Media coverage, the Santillan story, and public ambivalence toward donation and transplantation. In Wailoo, K & Guarnaccia, P & Livingston, J (Eds.), A death retold: Jesica Santillan, the bungled transplant, and paradoxes of medical citizenship. University of North Carolina Press, Studies in Social Medicine series: Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Morgan SE, Miller JK. (2001). Beyond the organ donor card: The effect of knowledge, attitudes, and values on willingness to communicate about organ donation to family members. Health Communications, 14(1):121-134.
  • Morgan SE, Miller JK. (2002). Communicating about gifts of life: The effect of knowledge, attitudes, and altruism on behavior and behavioral intentions regarding organ donation. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 30(2):163-178.
  • Morgan SE, Miller J, Arasaratnam LA. (2002). Signing cards, saving lives: An evaluation of the worksite organ donation promotion project. Communication Monographs, 69(3):253-73.
  • *Morgan SE, Miller JK, Arasaratnam LA. (2003). Similarities and differences between African-Americans' and European-Americans' attitudes, knowledge, and willingness to communicate about organ donation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(4):693-716.
  • Morgan SE, Stephenson M, Harrison TR, Afifi WA, Long SD. (2008). Facts versus 'feelings': How rational is the decision to become an organ donor. Journal of Health Psychology, 13(5):644-58.
  • Morgan SE, Stephenson MT, Afifi W, Harrison TR, Long SD, Chewning LV. (2011). The University Worksite Organ Donation Project: A comparison of two types of worksite campaigns on the willingness to donate. Clinical Transplantation, 25(4):600-6005.
  • Morse C, Afifi WA, Morgan SE, Stephenson M, Reichert T, Harrison T, Long S. (2009). Religiosity, anxiety, and discussions about organ donation: Understanding a complex system of associations. Health Communication, 24:156-64.
  • Peltier JW, D’Alessandro AM, Dahl AE, Feeley T. (2012). A sequential decision framework for increasing college students’ support for organ donation and organ donor registration. Progress in Transplantation. 22(3):323-32.
  • Peltier JW, D’Alessandro AM, Hsu M, Schibrowsky JA. (2011). A hierarchical communication model of the antecedents of healthcare professionals’ support for donations after cardiac death. American Journal of Transplantation. 11(3): 591-598.
  • Peltier J, D’Alessandro A, Dahl A, Hugh Feeley T. (2012). A sequential decision framework for increasing college students’ support for organ donation and organ donor registration. Progress in Transplantation, 22(3):323-332.
  • Pradel FG, Suwannaprom P, Mullins CD, Sadler J, Bartlett ST. (2009). Hemodialysis patients' readiness to pursue live donor kidney transplantation. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 24(4):1298-305
  • Pradel FG, Suwannaprom P, Mullins CD, Sadler J, Bartlett ST. (2008). Short-term impact of an educational program promoting live donor kidney transplantation in dialysis centers. Progress in Transplantation, 18(4):263-72
  • Quick BL, Bosch D, Morgan SE. (2012). Message framing and medium considerations for recruiting newly eligible teen organ donor registrants. American Journal of Transplantation, 12:1593-1597.
  • Quick BL, Reynolds-Tylus T, Fico AE, Feeley TH. (2016). An investigation into mature adults’ attitudinal reluctance to register as organ donors. Clinical Transplantation, 30:1250-1257.
  • Quick BL, Anker AE, Feeley TH, and Morgan SE. (2016). An examination of three theoretical models to explain the organ donation attitude-registration discrepancy among mature adults. Health Communication, 31:265-274. 
  • Quick BL, Reynolds-Tylus T, Anker AE, Feeley TH. (2016). Source and message framing considerations for recruiting mature adults as organ donors through direct mail. Progress in Transplantation. 
  • Quick BL, Reynolds-Tylus T, Anker AE, Feeley T H. (in press). A theoretical account for mature adults’ reluctance to register as organ donors. Clinical Transplantation.
  • Quinn MT, Alexander GC, Hollingsworth D, O'Connor KG, Meltzer D; Consortium for the Corporate Contributions for Life. (2006). Design and evaluation of a workplace intervention to promote organ donation. Progress in Transplantation, 16(3):253-9
  • Reinhart A, Marshall H, Feeley TH, Tutzauer F. (2007). The persuasive effects of message-framing in organ donation: The mediating role of psychological reactance. Communication Monographs, 74:229-55.
  • *Resnicow K, Andrews AM, Beach DK, Kuhn L, Krein SL, Chapman R, and Magee JC. (2010). Randomized trial using hair stylists as lay health advisors to increase donation in African Americans. Ethnicity and Disease 20(3):276-281.
  • *Resnicow K, Andrews AM, Zhang N, Chapman R, Beach DK, Langford AT, Goodwin N, Magee JC. (2012). Development of a scale to measure African American attitudes toward organ donation. Journal of Health Psychology, 17(3):389-398.
  • *Resnicow K, Andrews AM, Zhang N, et al. (2012). Development of a scale to measure African American attitudes toward organ donation. Journal of Health Psychology, 17(3):389-98.
  • *Resnicow K, Andrews AM, Zhang N, et al. (2012). Development of a scale to measure African American attitudes toward organ donation. Journal of Health Psychology, 17(3):389-98.
  • *Rice C, Tamburlin J. (2004). Confirmatory analysis of a stage change model in potential African American donors. Research on Social Work Practice, 14(4):295-303.
  • Robbins ML, Levesque DA, Redding CA, Johnson JL, Prochaska JO, Rohr MS, Peters TG. (2001). Assessing family members' motivational readiness and decision making for consenting to cadaveric organ donation. Journal of Health Psychology, 6(5):523-35.
  • Rodrigue JR, Cornell DL, Kaplan B, Howard RJ. (2008). Patients' willingness to talk to others about living kidney donation. Progress in Transplantation, 18:25-31
  • Rodrigue JR, Cornell, DL, Howard, RJ. (2006). Organ donation decision: Comparison of donor and non-donor families. American Journal of Transplantation, 6:190-8.
  • Rodrigue JR, Cornell DL, Lin JK, Kaplan B, Howard RJ. (2007). Increasing live donor kidney transplantation: A randomized evaluation of a home-based educational intervention. American Journal of Transplantation, 7:394-401.
  • Rodrigue JR, Krouse J, Carroll C, McMillen L, Giery K, Fraga Y, Frost T, Edwards EA. (2012). Department of Motor Vehicles intervention yields moderate increases in donor designation rates. Progress in Transplantation, 22:18-24.
  • Shafer TJ, Ehrle RN, Davis KD, Durand RE, Holtzman SM, Van Buren CT, Crafts NJ, Decker PJ. (2004). Increasing organ recovery from level 1 trauma centers: The in-house coordinator intervention. Progress in Transplantation, 14(3):250-63.
  • Siegel JT, Alvaro EM, Crano WD, Lac A, Ting S, Jones SP. (2008). A quasi-experimental investigation of message appeal variations on organ donor registration rates. Health Psychology, 27(2):170-178.
  • *Siegel JT, Alvaro EM, Lac A. Crano WD. (2008). Intentions of becoming a living organ donor among Hispanics: A theory-based approach exploring differences between living and nonliving organ donation. Journal of Health Communication, 13:80-99.
  • Siegel JT, Alvaro EA, Crano WD, Gonzalez A, Tang J. (2010). Passive-positive organ donor registration behavior: A mixed method assessment of the IIFF Model. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 15(2):198-209.
  • Siegel JT, Alvaro EA, Hohman Z. (2010). A dawning recognition of factors for increasing donor registration: The IIFF Model. In Siegel, J & Alvaro, E (Eds.), Understanding Organ Donation: Applied Behavioral Science Approaches, 313-330. Blackwell-Wiley: Malden, MA.
  • *Siegel JT, Alvaro EA, Hohman ZA, Mauer D. (2011). “Can you spare an organ?” Exploring Hispanic Americans’ willingness to discuss living organ donation with loved ones. Health Communication, 26:754-764.
  • *Siegel JT, Alvaro EM, Jones SP. (2005). Organ donor registration preferences among Hispanic populations: Which modes of registration have the greatest promise? Health Education and Behavior, 32(2):242-252.
  • Siminoff LA, Marshall HM, Dumenci L, Bowen G, Swaminathan A, Gordon N. (2009). Communicating effectively about donation: An educational intervention to increase consent to donation. Progress in Transplantation, 19(1):35-43.
  • Siminoff, LA, Traino HM. (2009). Improving donation outcomes: Hospital development and the rapid assessment of hospital procurement barriers in donation. Progress in Transplantation,19(2):180-7.
  • Siminoff LA, Marshall HM. (2009). The rapid assessment of hospital procurement barriers in donation: Assessing hospitals for change. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 31(4):24-33
  • Siminoff, LA, Marshall, H.M., Dumenci, L. Bowen, G., Swaminathan, A., & Gordon, N. (2009). Communicating Effectively about Donation: An Educational Intervention to Increase Consent to Donation. Progress in Transplantation, 19(1): 35-43. 
  • Siminoff LA, Traino HM, Genderson MW. (2015). Communicating effectively about organ donation: A randomized trial of a behavioral communication intervention to improve discussions about donation. Transplant Direct, 1(7). 
  • Smith S, Hitt R, Park H, Walther J, Liang Y, Hsieh G. (2015). An effort to increase organ donor registration through intergroup competition and electronic word of mouth. Journal of Health Communication, 0:1-11.
  • Stefanone M, Anker AE, Evans M, Feeley TH. (2012). Click to “like” organ donation: The use of online media to promote organ donor registration. Progress in Transplantation, 22:168-174.
  • Tartaglia A, Dodd-McCue D, Kuthy S, Myer K, Faulkner K. (2003). Care for the critical care provider, too? American Journal of Critical Care, 12(6):545-7.
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