Just before her 20th birthday, Rhonda, a young mother, suffered a deadly stroke. Her family honored her wish to be an organ donor. Rhonda’s family describes her as a beautiful person, inside and out.
“She loved with all of her precious heart. She never worried about what she would receive, rather whose life she could make happier. Rhonda enjoyed modeling, hiking and many outdoor activities with family and friends. She was a wonderful daughter, full of life.”
“Her true concern for others, incredible courage, unconditional love for her family, the precious, nurturing way she mothered her baby girl ... all these are examples of what made our graceful Rhonda the most mature and beautiful spirit many people have known.”
Today, Rhonda’s family is still involved with the Arkansas Regional Organ Recovery Agency. The family attends events like the Donor Family Recognition Ceremony in April. They also go to, the donor family picnic in October and Hope for the Holidays in November. Beyond that, they’ve corresponded with some of Rhonda's organ recipients.
Her family explains that donation has helped them cope with losing Rhonda. “Because we decided to honor Rhonda’s wishes to become a donor, we have found peace. Through organ donation most of her is still alive. She is our beautiful guardian angel.”