“Alejandro was a sweet and precious baby,” his family says., “But from the beginning we knew something was odd. His eyes seemed to be blue, and we don’t have anyone in our family with blue-colored eyes.
“As a baby, he cried loudly when taken into bright sunlight. After several doctors’ visits in pre-kindergarten, we learned what was wrong. He had been born with CHED disease [which affects the corneas and can result in blindness]. A year after his diagnosis, we learned he was quickly going blind and a transplant was the only option.
“At age 7, his world changed. He received ‘the gift of sight,’ a cornea transplant in his left eye. He went from 20/100 to 20/60 vision.
“Our family will be forever grateful to the family that donated the cornea our little boy received. Thanks to their gift, Alejandro now has the opportunity to see the world and all its beauty.”
Alejandro's story is courtesy of San Antonio Eye Bank, San Antonio, TX.