Aretha, Kidney Recipient
"Life is a gift. Gifts are meant to be given if someone has another chance at life."
We answer frequently asked questions (FAQ) about organ donation and transplantation. Visit COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the impact of COVID-19 on organ donation and transplantation.
All adults in the United States (U.S.) — and in some states, people under age 18 — can sign up to be an organ donor. Doctors decide at the time of death if someone is a good fit. Often, a parent or guardian needs to give permission to allow someone under age 18 to donate.
There’s no age limit to organ donation. Newborns and older adults have been organ donors. The health of your organs is more important than your age. The transplant team will decide at the time of death if donation is possible.
No. You can donate and receive organs in the U.S. even if you don’t live in the country or aren’t a U.S. citizen. Doctors give organs to people based on medical need, not citizenship.
You may be a donor even if you have an illness. When you die, doctors will decide if donation is possible.
Total body donation is often not an option if you choose to be an organ and tissue donor. You may still be an eye donor. Some medical schools and research groups may accept an organ donor for research.
If you wish to donate your entire body, arrange that with the medical school of your choice.
Anyone over age 18 can sign up. In many states, people younger than 18 can sign up as well. There are several ways to sign up.
Let your family know about your decision. If the time comes, they won’t feel surprised and can help carry out your wishes. The transplant team may ask them for information.
When you sign up in your state, you're giving permission to donate your organs when you die. Usually, that means dying in a hospital and on artificial support. You will stay on your state's registry unless you remove yourself.
No. You may not have the card with you or it may get missed in the event of your death. If you wish to be a donor, sign up in your state registry.
That’s an important step. It’s also important to share your wishes with your family. Most families want to carry out the wishes of their loved one. Be sure to tell them how you feel.
Most states give you the option to choose which organs and tissues you want to donate, or to donate everything usable. Check with your state registry.
Yes. You can change your donor status at any time. Look for an option such as "updating your status" on your state's site.
If you have a donor mark on your driver's license, removing yourself from the registry will not change that. So, unless your state uses a removable sticker on the license to identify donors, you will need to change your license at your local motor vehicle office.
If you’re over 18 and signed up as a deceased donor in your state registry, you have legally given permission for your donation. No one can change your consent. Signing a card isn't enough. If you’re under 18, your parents or legal guardian must give permission for your donation.
Learn more about what donations are acceptable.
No. When you go to a hospital, saving your life comes first. Donation doesn’t become a possibility until all lifesaving methods have failed. The medical team trying to save your life is separate from the transplant team.
Hospital workers treat your body with care and respect during the donation process. You can donate your organs, eyes, and tissues and still have an open-casket funeral.
No. Your family pays for your medical care and funeral costs. They don’t pay to donate your organs. Insurance or the people who receive the organ donation pay those costs.
No. You may not sell your organs. It’s against U.S. federal law to buy or sell organs. People who buy or sell organs may face prison sentences and fines.
One reason Congress made this law was to make sure rich people do not unfairly receive donated organs and tissues. (Source: Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) white paper on bioethics — Financial Incentives for Organ Donation, June 30, 1993)
Organ donors and recipients of different races and ethnicities can and do match! Still, a larger donor pool gives every person a better chance to find a donor.
Matches are based on blood and tissue type, which are inherited. That's why matches are more likely when donors and recipients share a racial or ethnic background.
A national computer system matches donated organs to people who need them.
It bases matching decisions on things like blood type, time spent waiting, and geographic location.
In the U.S., you can donate a kidney to a family member, friend, or anyone on the waiting list while you’re alive. They will test to see if you’re a match and if you’re healthy enough to have surgery.
Remember that there’s a lot to do before they can consider you a living donor. Get a list of the living donation steps you need to take.
The number of people waiting for organs changes every day. As of September 2024, the number was over 103,000. Every 8 minutes, another person is added to the waiting list.
You can find the recent data from the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. The number of people who need a lifesaving transplant continues to go up faster than the number of available organs.
More than half of all people on the transplant waiting list are from a racial or ethnic minority group. Some diseases that cause end-stage organ failure are more common in these groups of people.
For example, Black, Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, and Hispanic/Latino adults are three times more likely than white people to suffer from end-stage renal (kidney) disease, often as the result of high blood pressure.
Native American adults are four times more likely than white adults to suffer from diabetes. An organ transplant is sometimes the best — or only — option for saving a life.
Aretha, Kidney Recipient
"Life is a gift. Gifts are meant to be given if someone has another chance at life."